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Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000,[T](9](2012) Printed 21 December 2012 (MN KTbX style file v2.2) 

Multifractal analysis and lacunarity spectrum of the galaxies of the 
ninth Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data release 

C. A. Chacon-Cardona 1 ' 2 , R. A. Casas-Miranda 1 

1 Departamento de Fi'sica, Universidad National de Colombia 
2 Facultad Tecnoldgica, Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas 

Accepted — . Received — ; in original form — 


In this work, we develop a statistical analysis of the large-scale clustering of matter in 
the Universe from the fractal point of view using galaxies from the Ninth Sloan Digital Sky 
Survey (SDSS) Data Release (DR9). From the total set of galaxies, a magnitude-limited sam- 
ple of galaxies with redshifts in the range < z < 0.15 was created. The sample covers the 
largest completely connected area of the celestial sphere within the catalogue, with limits in 
right ascension of 120° < a < 240° and declination 0° < 5 < 60°, which is a region that 
includes the largest galactic samples that have been studied from the fractal viewpoint to date. 
The sample contains 164,168 galaxies. 

Using the sliding-window technique, the multifractal dimension spectrum and its depen- 
dence on radial distance are determined. This generalisation of the concept of fractal dimen- 
sion is used to analyse large-scale clustering of matter in complex systems. Likewise, the 
lacunarity spectrum, which is a quantity that complements the characterisation of a fractal set 
by quantifying how the set fills the space in which it is embedded, is determined. 

Using these statistical tools, we find that the clustering of galaxies exhibits fractal be- 
haviour that depends on the radial distance for all calculated quantities. A transition to ho- 
mogeneity is not observed in the calculation of the fractal dimension of galaxies; instead, the 
galaxies exhibit a multifractal behaviour whose dimensional spectrum does not exceed the 
physical spatial dimension for radial distances up to 180 Mpc/h from each centre within the 
sample. Our results and their implications are discussed in the context of the formation of 
large-scale structures in the Universe. 

Key words: methods: statistical- galaxies -large-scale structure of Universe. 


The standard cosmological principle states that the cosmos is ho- 
mogeneous and isotropic on large scales (Longair 20081, such that 
the observed inhomogeneities are only perceived locally and should 
vanish on sufficiently large scales, at distances on the order of hun- 
dreds of Mpc/h l |Grujic & Pankovic|[2009l |Gabrielli et aT|2005) . 
The majority of the developments in modern cosmology use the 
cosmological principle as the fundamental hypothesis from which 
the observations and theoretical developments are contrasted and 
interpreted. The success of the solution to the Einstein field equa- 
tions for a universe consisting of an ideal gas of galaxies, found by 
Friedmann, Robertson and Walker, makes the corresponding met- 
ric the representation of the space-time structure of the Universe 
that is largely accepted in cosmology for the study of large-scale 
matter clustering. The ACDM model strongly relies on the stan- 
dard cosmological principle because it introduces the cosmological 
constant as a remedy for the problem of the acceleration of the Uni- 

verse, which is confirmed by observations of Type la supernovae. 
However, the model excludes possible solutions that do not assume 
homogeneity, such as models based on the metric of Tolman and 
Bondi l |Ribeiro| 1 992) |Enqvist|2008) . 

Despite the success of physical models based on the stan- 
dard cosmological principle, there are still many unresolved funda- 
mental questions regarding the formation of structure in the Uni- 
verse (Peacock 1999). For example, is the cosmological princi- 
ple supported by the observations of galaxies in the most recent 
catalogues? If so, then what is the distance scale at which the 
transition to homogeneity is observed? Some research groups re- 
port that galaxies and other astrophysical objects, such as quasars, 
are grouped in highly structured hierarchical patterns that exhibit 
properties of self-similarity (scale invariance) and a fractal dimen- 
sion smaller than the physical space dimension (Rozgacheva et al. 
|2012| l. Similar results are found for the anisotropies of the cos- 
mic background radiation (Kobayashi et al. 201 1 1. In such works, 
a revision of the cosmological principle is proposed because, in a 

2 C. A. Chacon- Cardona, R. A. Casas-Miranda 

universe with fractal clustering of galaxies, models based on ho- 
mogeneity and isotropy would not be consistent with observations. 
Therefore, new methods of interpreting galaxy clustering informa- 
tion from the perspective of statistical mechanics should be devel- 
oped ( (Gabrielli et al.||2005| >. Furthermore, other research groups 
(e.g., ([Sarkar et a l.|2009^ ) claim to have found the scale at which the 
cosmological principle is valid. In their multifractal analysis of the 
Sixth SDSS Data Release (DR6), they find a transition to homo- 
geneity at approximately 70 Mpc/h. Similarly, analyses of galac- 
tic catalogues with information from the southern hemisphere con- 
clude using a method based on the correlation dimension - that the 
transition to homogeneity occurs on the same spatial scale ( |Scrim-| 
|geour et al.|2012) . 

In this article, we present calculations of the multifractal di- 
mension and the corresponding lacunarity spectrum based on the 
generalised correlation integral for all galaxies in the Ninth SDSS 
Data Release (DR9). We use the same methodology that was ap- 
plied to dark matter halos from the Millennium Simulation, an N- 
body simulation with gravitational interaction. For the simulated 
halos, we found a transition to homogeneity at radial distances be- 
tween 100 Mpc/h and 120 Mpc/h, and the lacunarity spectrum con- 
firmed such transition ( Chacon-Cardona & Casas-Miranda 2012). 

This paper is organised as follows. In section 2, the mathe- 
matical foundations involved in the determination of multifractal- 
ity and the lacunarity spectrum of galaxy clustering is reviewed. 
Section 3 contains a summary of the characteristics of DR9 and 
of the primary magnitude-limited sample of galaxies that we use. 
In section 4, the calculations of multifractality and lacunarity are 
discussed for the case of galaxy clustering up to a redshift of 0.15, 
which corresponds to a maximum radial distance of approximately 
600 Mpc/h, where the effect of space-time curvature is negligible. 
In section 5, the results of multifractality and lacunarity are dis- 
cussed, and the conclusions are presented in section 6. 

the subset of chosen centres. Here rii(r), is the number of particles 
within a radial distance r with respect to a particle i chosen as the 
centre. This expression is defined as: 

rii{r) = 6( r — 




where the sum is taken over all the particles in the sample. The 
coordinates of each particle in our three-dimensional space are de- 
noted by Xj , and O is the Heaviside function, which is defined as 
Q(x) = for x < and 0(a;) = 1 for x ^ 0. The number of par- 
ticles around each centre is determined by counting the number of 
galaxies around the centre, i.e., the galaxies found within a sphere 
of radius r around the centre. 

From Equation l[TJ, the correlation dimension is expressed in 
the following form: 

C 2 (r) = F/ 


where F is called the pre-factor of the power law and is the correla- 
tion dimension of the set under study. Thus, the correlation dimen- 
sion is calculated as the derivative: 

Do = 

d log C 2 (r) 
d Ioe r 


By expressing the correlation integral as a power law, in ad- 
dition to the multifractal dimension, the set is fully characterised 
by the proportionality constant F that accompanies the function. 
The pre-factor F which is related to the average distance between 
the nearest neighbours, permits defining the lacunarity, which is a 
property that determines how the fractal set fills the space. Defined 
by |Blumenfel d & Mandelbrot| (T997) via the second-order variabil- 
ity factor for the pre-factor F, the lacunarity is expressed as: 


2.1 Correlation Dimension and Lacunarity 

Fractal analysis of the clustering of galaxies is based on the idea of 
generalising the dimension of a metric space. This concept, devel- 
oped by Felix Hausdorff in ( Hausdorff 1918), allowed Benoit Man- 
delbrot to define a fractal as a set with Hausdorff dimension strictly 
exceeding its topological dimension ((Mandelbrot 1983 1, where the 
topological dimension is the number of independent directions that 
can be taken around an element belonging to a given set. It is possi- 
ble to determine the Hausdorff dimension for finite sets using com- 
putational algorithms, such as the minimum spanning tree (MST). 
However, the correlation dimension D2, is a very useful tool for 
measuring fractality on large scales (Martinez & Saari 2002| >. 

The definition of the correlation dimension is based on the in- 
tegral of the correlation function C2, which is a function that mea- 
sures the number of neighbours found on average within a certain 
radius r around a given centre. In agreement with the notation in 
the literature used by Bagla, Yadav & Seshadri (2008 1, it is defined 

((F-(F)f) _ <F 2 ) 




Whereas lacunarity was defined as a complementary concept 
to the fractal mass-radius dimension, this concept can be applied 
to other definitions of fractal dimension, as shown in (Mar tinez &| 
|Saar|20 02); The correlation dimension and its corresponding lacu- 
narity are sufficient to characterise sets for which these quantities 
do not depend on the scale, as discussed in the majority of studies 
that demonstrate fractal behaviour, at least on small scales. There- 
fore, in the case of scale dependence of fractal quantities we must 
extend the statistical analysis by using the formalism of the mul- 
tifractal dimension (Nakamichi & Morikawa 2004; Gabrielli et al. 
[20051 ). 

2.2 Generalised Fractal Dimension 

Based on the correlation integral C2(r), given Equation {T|, the 
generalised correlation integral can be defined via the relation: 


where TV is the total number of particles within the distribution, M 
is the number of particles used as centres, and the sum is taken over 

1 M 



where M is the number of centres, TV is the number of particles 
included in the sample, rii(r) is the same expression defined in 
Equation |2](, and q is the structure parameter, which corresponds 

Multifractal and lacunarity analysis of the galaxies ofSDSS Data Release 9 3 

to an arbitrary real number. From the generalised correlation in- 
tegral, it is possible to make a power series expansion of log(r) 
as described in Provenzale, Spiegel & Thieberger ( 19971, and thus 
be able to calculate the multifractal dimension and the lacunarity 
spectrum directly: 

log [C q {r) 1/{q - 1) ] = D q log{r) + log{F q ) 

+ o 


By retaining only the first two terms on the right side of the equa- 
tion, we obtain the relationship between the generalised correlation 
integral and the multifractal dimension: 

C q {r) 



The generalised fractal dimension and the generalised lacu- 
narity can be defined in the same manner by which the authors of 
|Blumenfeld & M andelbrot ( 1997), defined these concepts for the 
mass-radius fractal relation: 

D q = 

d\ogC q (r 

(9-1) d\ 


Likewise, the corresponding generalised lacunarity based on 
the pre-factor F q for each structure parameter for q is defined by: 

((F q -(F q )f) (F* q ) 


In the fractal dimension spectrum, if holds for any q ^ q', 
D q — D q i then the distribution is said to be a homogeneous fractal 
(monofractal). q 1, D q characterises the scaling behaviour of the 
system in high-density environments, i.e., clusters or super-clusters 
of galaxies. Conversely, for values q < 1, characterises the scaling 
behaviour in low-density environments, i.e., vacuum regions ( |Gaite| 
|2007|[Sarkar et al.|2009| l. When the distribution of galaxies exceeds 
the transition to homogeneity, all the values of the multifractal di- 
mension should approach the physical dimension of the space and 
the lacunarity spectrum must approach zero on the same radial dis- 
tance scale r. 

Next, we apply the concepts of generalised fractal dimension 
and lacunarity to the distribution of galaxies from the latest update 
of the SDSS catalogue. 


The SDSS galactic catalogue is the largest astronomical database 
accumulated by humankind to date. Its ninth edition contains infor- 
mation regarding at least 1231,051,050 astrophysical objects, in- 
cluding spectral information for 668,054 stars, 1,457,002 galaxies 
and 228,468 quasars and their respective locations in the celestial 
sphere over an area of 14,555 square degrees (SDSS -III Collabf>| 
|ration et al.|2012} . In its ninth data release, the catalogue has two 
clearly defined regions without any information gaps in their inte- 
riors, therefore in these regions it is possible to calculate the fractal 
dimension without the risk of losing accuracy. From these two re- 
gions, we chose the region with the largest connected area to have 
a more representative sample of the galaxy catalogue; the region 
covers a total area of 7,200 square degrees. 

The information contained in this data release has been the 


160 180 200 

Right Ascension a[°] 

Figure 1. Distribution on the celestial sphere of galaxies located in the 
largest area completely covered by SDSS. The region is bounded by equa- 
torial coordinates of right ascension 120° < a < 240° and declination 

0° < <5 < 60° 

subject of two different targeting algorithms, one for galaxies with 
redshifts in the range 0.15 < z < 0.4, called LOWZ, and a sec- 
ond sample of galaxies at higher redshifts, with0.4 < z < 0.8 , 
called CMASS. While we could use either of these two samples 
for the fractal characterisation of galaxy clustering, we wanted to 
avoid erroneously introducing homogenising effects arising from 
the determination of distances according to the standard cosmo- 
logical model, as pointed by Ribeiro ( Ribeiro 2005 ) and the group 
(Gabrielli et al. 2005 1. Using Hubble's law, which is an experimen- 
tal fact valid for astrophysical object localisation at low redshift 
(z <C 1), we selected from DR9 galaxies with redshifts in the range 
2.3 x 10~ 3 < z < 0.15, corresponding to distances greater than 10 
Mpc/h, where the effect of peculiar velocities is small, and less than 
600 Mpc/h, where the difference between the distance determined 
using the Hubble law and the co-moving distance determined ac- 
cording to the standard cosmological model does not exceed 4%.. 
In this region, the targeting algorithm most suitable for reliable de- 
tection of galaxies is the Main Sample of galaxies, a Petrosian r- 
band magnitude-limited galactic sample, whose selection process 
is described in detail by Strauss et al. (2002) 

3.1 Main sample of galaxies 

The SDSS redshift catalogue includes galaxy photometric data cor- 
rected for galactic extinction, where reddening calculations are per- 
formed according to the maps of infrared emission from galactic 
dust described in Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis ( 1998). All infor- 
mation necessary for fractal analysis is provided by the catalogue 
in CASJOBS, which is accessed using SQL (Syntax Query Lan- 
guage). First, galaxy candidates are separated from stars. Then, two 
cuts in apparent magnitude are applied for the Petrosian r spectral 
band, which is located at approximately 6165 . The apparent mag- 
nitude for acceptable targets is in the interval 15 < m r < 17.77, 
where the first limit indicates that those targets with apparent mag- 
nitude less than 15 are discarded, i.e., very bright objects that cause 
contamination in the sample are discarded. We also discard objects 
with Petrosian radii, which contain half the total flux of the galaxy, 
greater than two arcseconds (r p > 2"). The second limit indicates 
that it is not possible to detect objects that are fainter in apparent 
magnitude than the limit of 17.77. In addition, it is necessary to 

4 C. A. Chacon- Cardona, R. A. Casas-Miranda 

-15 ™ 1 1 1 1 1 r 

Magnitude Limited Sample 


-16 - 

-i7 - llSs, 

-22 I I I I I I I 

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 

Hubble Distance r[Mpc/hl 

Figure 2. Magnitude-radial distance diagram for the primary sample of 
galaxies from DR9 used for the multifractal calculations. The sample is 
composed of 164,168 galaxies with redshifts in the range 2.3 X 10 -3 < 
z < 0.15. 

apply a condition on the average surface brightness determined ac- 
cording to the Petrosian radius; the most significant cut is the cut 
that includes targets with values /iso ^ 23mag / arcsec 2 . 

Given the apparent magnitude limits, to obtain a sample that 
is not incomplete because of the effects of selection by brightness, 
the procedure includes the determination of the volume that lim- 
its the sample according to the range of distances over which one 
wishes to work. Because our interest is measuring fractality with- 
out introducing any a priori cosmological model, with distances in 
the range lOMpc/h ^ r ^ QQQMpc/h the absolute magnitude of 
the galaxies in the sample are in the range —15 ^ M ^ —21.5, as 
shown in Figure|2] 

Finally, for the volume-limited sample, we must determine 
the radius of the largest sphere in which fractality calculations are 
performed without introducing assumptions about the shape of the 
clustering to be analysed. The effective depth scale for our sample 
according to the limits in right ascension 120° < a < 240°, and 
declination 0° < S < 60°, is determined in accord with (Gabrielli 
|et al.|20 05 ) by the relationship: 

_ R d sin(S6/2) 
s l + «n(tf0/2)' ( ' 

where Rd corresponds to the maximum radial distance of the sam- 
ple and <5l9 is 

89 = minia-i — ati, Si — 5i) (12) 

In our case the maximum radius is R s — 202 Mpc/h. 

Starting with this sample, the next step involves the determi- 
nation of the multifractal dimension and lacunarity spectrum up to 
depths of 202 Mpc/h, which corresponds to the effective depth scale 
of our volume-limited sample that relies on a number of available 
centres for the analysis of 81,435 galaxies 


In the previous section, we analysed the volume-limited sample of 
galaxies with redshifts in the range 2.3 x 10~ 3 < z < 0.15 . 

This set is composed of 164,168 galaxies for which we calculated 
the generalised correlation integral. We used 13 values of the struc- 
ture parameter in the range — 6 ^ q ^ 6 in steps of 1, which are 
presented in Figure [3] These calculations include high-density re- 
gions, i.e., (q 1), and low-density regions (q < 1). For q = 1, 
the numerical limit is shown in the figure. 

The fractal dimension spectrum is determined from the gener- 
alised correlation integral using the sliding-window technique. This 
technique is applied to the logarithm of the correlation integral as 
a function of the logarithm of the radial distance. This function is 
approximated by straight lines using the least squares method. Be- 
low, Figure [4] shows the results of the calculations of the fractal 
dimension spectrum for low-density regions with structure param- 
eter values q < 1. 

For high-density regions, namely for the correlation integral 
for structure parameter values ??in the range q ^ 1, the depen- 
dence of the spectrum of multifractal dimension on radial distance 
is shown in Figure [5] 

These results can be combined to determine the multifractal 
dimension spectrum as a function of the structure parameter q for 
different radial distance scales, as shown in Figure|6] 

Given that the fractal dimension does not specify how galax- 
ies fill space, our analysis is completed by the calculation of the 
lacunarity spectrum for the same values of the structure parameter. 
Figure|7]shows the corresponding results. 


Chacon-Cardona & Casas-Miranda (2012) have performed fractal 
analysis on the clustering of dark matter halos from the Millen- 
nium Simulation (Springel et al. 2005). We successfully applied 
the same methodology to the clustering of galaxies in DR9 for the 
local Universe, i.e., galaxies for which the Hubble distance can 
be used for the localisation of points in the set without using an 
a priori cosmological model. The analysed sample was obtained 
from the most complete and connected region within the galac- 
tic catalogue (with right ascension in the range 120 < a < 240 
and declination in the range < S < 60 ). The sample is a 
magnitude-limited sample of 164,168 galaxies with redshifts in 
the range 2.3 x 10~ 3 < z < 0.15. The calculations performed 
accounted for the effective depth for which the fractal behaviour 
could be analysed, up to a maximum radial distance of 202 Mpc/h, 
which is the maximum radius of the sphere that we can inscribe 
within the limits of our sample of galaxies without introducing bias 
for subsequent statistical analysis (Gabrielli et al. 2005}. 

We directly calculated the multifractal dimension using the 
correlation integral. The generalised correlation integral found for 
galaxy clustering behaves as expected and is in agreement with the 
results of (Chacon-Cardona & Casas-Miranda 2 012| > and (Sarkar 
|et al.|20 09l. The resulting behaviour corresponds to an increase in 
the average number of neighbours that are located around the cen- 
tres in high-density regions, for which q ^ 1, and a decrease in the 
number of neighbours for low-density regions (voids with q < 1). 

Using the sliding-window technique, the fractal dimension 
was calculated for low-density regions with structural parameter 
values q < 1. In agreement with the findings for the Millennium 
Simulation (Chacon-Cardona & Casas-Miranda 2012), we found a 
growth that surpasses the physical dimension of space in regions 
near the centres, followed by a rapid tendency toward homogene- 
ity at radial distances greater than 50 Mpc/h. In contrast, for high- 
density regions with structure parameter values q 1, the be- 

Multifractal and lacunarity analysis of the galaxies ofSDSS Data Release 9 5 

0.1 I 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 

r(Mpc/h) r(Mpc/h) 

Figure 3. Generalised correlation integral for all values of q studied in this article for our volume-limited sample from DR9. Densities with q ^ 1 appear to 
the left, whereas low densities, with q < 1, appear on the right. All the graphs are shown in log scale 

haviour differs from that we found previously ( Chacor TCardona &] 
|Casas- Miranda 2012). Although there is a region of rapid dimen- 
sional growth, asymptotic behaviour toward the physical dimension 
of space is not observed. In our case, the dimension reaches a high 
value in regions around the centres, where the tendency towards 
homogeneity is observed, followed by a second region where the 
dimension of the galaxy clustering tends to differ from the physi- 
cal dimension of space, thus showing persistent fractal behaviour 
at larger scales. This is consistent with galaxy clustering behaviour 
on large scales, as published by other research groups Joyc e et aT| 
(2005 l, [Verevkin, Bukhmastova & Baryshev| ( |2011}, It is also con- 
sistent with analysis of the clustering of quasars [Rozgachev a et al.| 
( |2012} and with studies of the anisotropy of the cosmic background 
radiation Kobayashi et al. (201 1 1. 

The determination of the lacunarity spectrum is spoiled by 
the propagation of errors inherent in its calculation based on the 
pre-factor F. Notwithstanding this difficulty, oscillatory behaviour 
(voids alternating with regions of high concentration of galaxies) 
can be detected, as was found in the Millennium Simulation, with 
a lacunarity maximum in regions below 10 Mpc/h. However, in 
our case, monotonically decreasing behaviour was not observed. 
This result is consistent with deviations from the transition to ho- 
mogeneity detected by the multifractal-dimension set because the 
lacunarity values increase again after 50 Mpc/h. 


In this article, we analysed galaxy clustering in the local Universe 
from the multifractal point of view. Our results led us to conclude 
the following: 

No transition to homogeneity was observed in galaxy cluster- 
ing, at least for distance scales less than approximately 180 Mpc/h; 
instead, there was a clear persistence of multifractal behaviour. For 
values of the structure parameter corresponding to low densities, 
the calculated dimensions exhibited an unequivocal tendency to fill 
space almost homogeneously at scales greater than 50 Mpc/h. How- 
ever, for galaxy clustering, the fractal-dimension spectrum in all 
cases showed two clearly defined regions: a first region of high- 
dimensional growth on scales less than 30 Mpc/h and a second 
region of smoothly decaying structure with fractal dimension be- 
low that of physical space at depths greater than approximately 30 

Mpc/h. Therefore, the use of multifractal analysis is most suitable 
for the characterisation of galaxy clustering. 

The lacunarity spectrum confirmed the persistence of the frac- 
tal behaviour of the set, showing oscillatory behaviour with alter- 
nation between high and low lacunarity values, i.e., the presence 
of voids followed by regions of high galaxy clustering. We did not 
observe a lacunarity decrease that would otherwise allow detecting 
homogeneity. This result confirms the departure from homogeneity 
within the analysed volume. 

The sample is eminently multifractal. A tendency towards 
monofractality (i.e., only one fractal-dimension value independent 
of the structure parameter) was not observed in the galactic sample 
for the distance scale of this sample. This result implies that fur- 
ther detailed research is needed to investigate the standard cosmo- 
logical principle and its consistency with observations. Although 
we cannot conclude that a transition to homogeneity cannot occur 
at greater depths, the problem of introducing homogenisation due 
to cosmological assumptions should be avoided, with the goal of 
approaching this problem without introducing biases in the FRW 


C. A. Chacon-Cardona thanks the Universidad Distrital Francisco 
Jose de Caldas for their financial support to perform doctoral stud- 


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6 C. A. Chacdn-Cardona, R. A. Casas-Miranda 

Multifractal Dimension D. t 
Physical Space Dimension 

Multifractal Dimension D 5 h 
Physical Space Dimension - 



Multifractal Dimension D 4 h 
Physical Space Dimension ■ 



Multifractal Dimension D 2 h 
Physical Space Dimension 




Mulli fractal Dimension D i 
Physical Space Dimension 

Multifractal Dimension D 3 r 
Physical Space Dimension ■ 



MultitVactal Dimension D , i 
Physical Space Dimension - 




Figure 4. Multi-fractal spectrum D q (r) as a function of the radial distance r for low-density environments, with ?6 ^ q ^ 0, corresponding to the galaxy 
clustering in SDSS DR9. Error bars ±lcr are indicated in the graphs. 

Multifractal and lacunarity analysis of the galaxies ofSDSS Data Release 9 7 


MuhiiVactal Dimension D, t 
Physical Space Dimension 


Multifractal Dimension D, h 
Physical Space Dimension 


Multifractal Dimension D^ t 
Physical Space Dimension 


Multifractal Dimension D, t 
Physical Space Dimension - 


Multifractal Dimension D 4 h 
Physical Space Dimension - 



Multifractal Dimension D (l 
Physical Space Dimension 



Figure 5. Multifractal spectrum D q (r) as a function of the radial distance r for low-density environments, with —6 ^ q ^ 0, corresponding to the galaxy 
clustering in SDSS DR9. Error bars, corresponding to ±1<t are indicated in the plots. 

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Figure 6. Multi-fractal dimension spectrum D q (r) of the galaxy clustering as a function of the structure parameter q in the range [6,6]. Multi-fractal behaviour 
is observed even at depths on the order of 180 Mpc/h around the centres. The solid line indicates the Bezier interpolation curve. 

Multifractal and lacunarity analysis of the galaxies ofSDSS Data Release 9 9 

* 0.0001 


Multifractal Lacunarity 4> 3 i 

100 150 

<J 0.0001 

^ 0.001 







Multifractal Lacunarity (f 

Multifractal Lacunarity <ti 6 

50 100 150 


Figure 7. Lacunarity spectrum & q (r) in losgscale as function of the radial distance r for high-density environments, with q 1, according to SDSS (DR9). 
Error bars of ±l<x are indicated in the graphs. 

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